Devi Nair

"I want to say the thing I’ll miss the most about Harvard is the people, but I won’t. I refuse to accept that the perfect randomness of people that Harvard brought into my life was just for a 4-year stint. Harvard was just the beginning. The friendships that I have made here—the family that I found here—will only strengthen with time. That much I am sure of. So for now, let’s just say the thing I’ll miss the most about Harvard is El Jefe’s—here’s to hoping it stays in business long enough to see our first class reunion."

Kara Shen

"I've never been happier than when I've been surrounded by my incredible roommates - Kaitlyn, Kristina, Alexandra, and Annie. I feel so lucky for meeting them in Apley Court, for those long walks to Annenberg for meals together, and for all those late-night conversations on the futon. In freshman year, I had no idea that over the next three years we would laugh and cry and grow together, and that they would form the backbone to this crazy, wonderful experience. I owe all my favorite Harvard memories to them."

Dylan Munro

"Some of my favourite memories at Harvard are from Freshman year. Wide-eyed and excitable, my friends and I could make fun out of almost any situation. In particular, I remember walking through the Yard one day with two of my friends from Mass Hall, singing "I'm a Believer" (accompanied by incessant clapping and air-guitar riffs) at the top of our lungs. We didn't have any reason to do it, but we didn't have any reason not to. We were naive -- blissfully unaware of what passersby might think -- and happy to just be ourselves. Our laughter carried on long after the singing stopped. We're still laughing about it today."

Taylor Vandick

"I think what I'll miss most about Harvard is having this community all in one place. Even when everyone is doing different things and is busy, there are so many opportunities to see your friends and the things they've been working on whether it's a show or a concert or a thesis. Having everyone in the same place (mostly) at the same time for the past four years has been really special."

Sumire Hirotsuru

"My favorite memory at Harvard is the HRO (Harvard Radcliffe Orchestra) tour to Israel and Jordan at the end of freshman year. As an international student from Japan, I had a lot of challenges during my first year in the U.S., but I was always able to communicate, make friends, and have fun through music. Making music and spending time together with members for two weeks in such a different environment from school was a great opportunity to realize how lucky I was to be surrounded by such amazing and talented people. I will never forget the night when we all lay down on the ground in the middle of a desert in Jordan to look at the sky and saw the most beautiful stars on the earth – it was truly magical."

Megan Parsons

"Harvard was a formative experience, shaping me into a more effective leader, discerning scientist, global citizen, and warmhearted friend. In light of the extraordinary sacrifices of my mother, who made this lifelong educational journey possible, I am honored to continue contributing to, and benefiting from, diverse perspectives and the scientific enterprise."

Alexandra Lobel

"My favorite Harvard memory happens every morning at Annenberg breakfast. I met some of my closest friends freshmen year in the Annenberg line. Continuing this breakfast tradition every morning of senior year has been the happiest reminder of where my closest friendships began, and how they've developed and continue to grow to this day. That feeling of being surrounded by hundreds of talented, intelligent, thoughtful, and beautiful people will stay with me, always."

Chelsea Lide

"The most important lesson I've learned at Harvard has been about balance: on the one hand, to never be complacent -- to push myself outside of my comfort zone and to seize any opportunity I can -- but on the other, to be present, appreciative and humble for every wonderful experience I've had here and beyond. When I can do both, I'm able to pave my own path to success yet still manage to enjoy each twist and turn along the journey."

Julia Kee

"I’d have to say one of my favorite Harvard memories happened this past March, during my last Expressions Hip Hop dance show. It was so meaningful to have my friends (and family!) either sitting in the audience or dancing on stage alongside me. The energy during the 8:30 show was unparalleled, and it really was an amazing way to end my Harvard dancing career, as both a choreographer and a dancer."

Prerna Bhat

"I will miss monkeybread and karaoke steins and midnight drives and dhall conversations and crazy dancing and those first beautiful days of spring and Weeks Bridge and the gorgeous city we live in and shopping random classes in subjects I know nothing about and hearing wise words from incredible speakers but most of all I will miss you all, the people who have made this my home away from home. College is both the place where you can be surrounded by the most people and feel the most lonely, and I, as I'm sure many others, have felt my fair share of anxiety and frustration - but the good times certainly overshadow that, and I've had the time of my life and have loved my four years here. Shout out to my wonderful friends and family and mentors who've helped keep me sane and been my voice of reason when my own has gone missing - I love you more than I could ever express, and I know that this doesn't end here."

Qasim Khan

"As for a memory: I enter the Hillel with my freshman entryway: people I will soon enough grow to love. Everybody is looking at me weird. Is it my skin color? Is it because I'm a Muslim? We take our seats and I'm pretty confused. Chris Keller tells me to look down. And there it is: I have a hole as big as the Grand Canyon in my shorts. A tear along the seam of the inner thigh. Petrified, I just realized my boxers had been flapping in my fellow freshmen's faces all day as we celebrated Harvard on the Boardwalk! Yes that is why people were looking at me!! If you think that was awkward wait till you hear about the rest of my time at Harvard . . . a time I will look back on with fondness, gratitude, and laughter! FIST BUMP!"

Kathy Li

"Though I have great memories from all my years at Harvard, I think my fondest ones will always come from freshman year. To be honest, there’s not even really a specific moment I can pinpoint, but it’s more of a general feeling: of being at home in a place that just a few months ago was completely terrifying and foreign to me, of being surrounded by those who I love and care for (who, just those few months ago, were total strangers), and of comfort, knowing that this was just the beginning of many more adventures. I’ll always reminisce about hanging out in Weld 54 like it was my own room, on my first Harvard-Yale with WeldTop, on convocation, on Scaritas, on housing day when I swore I had never even seen Eliot before (I was a sheltered freshman), and on making some of my best friends during my first semester. Out of everything that has happened at Harvard – the good, the bad, and the terrible – ultimately my college experience is characterized by the friendships I made and the people I spent it with. So, these first moments at Harvard are what I will cherish most."

Nicole Bassoff

"I'm from Arizona, and since coming to Harvard I've learned you can find out a lot about yourself from a snowball fight. Honestly, I don't think I became a complete person until I'd been pelted with snow by the people I called my friends. Lying there in the snow, defeated, laughing -- that is my favorite Harvard memory."

Sara Price

"It has been wonderful being part of Harvard's History of Science department for the past few years, and I will definitely miss that academic community. But beyond formal lessons, Harvard has taught me that it is important to build strong relationships. I have met some awesome friends here, and I think that is my best Harvard legacy."