Program to premiere here at 4:00 p.m.
Zoom gathering following the conclusion of the video: Join Zoom meeting. Meeting ID: 994 2765 7389 Password: 198411
You're invited to COLLAGE REUNION: an audiovisual event collaging together clips of life from the Harvard Class of 2016. This will premiere here on June 5 at 4:00 p.m. Imagine a reunion slideshow but more dynamic and artistic. This project will be produced by musician and First Marshal Reylon Yount, who enjoys finding creative ways to connect communities and will sculpt our content together with original music. The final outcome will be a 15–30 minute communal film featuring our clips of life, as well as sonic highlights from the 16 Artists podcast — a reunion show about sixteen of our disillusioned classmates who dove into uncertainty to chase their creative dreams. The goal is to create a different kind of online gathering — a special moment of reflection and re-connection where we get to share glimpses of our lives with each other.
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Earlier Event: June 5
Inequality and Harvard
Later Event: June 5
Senior Bar 2.0